Access to the hall is by a NUKI lock system using a PIN CODE sent to you two weeks before your booking.
- To open the door, type your pin number into the black keypad on the door. Wait a couple of seconds and it will unlock.
- Please do not use the Nuki lock to pull the door shut. There is a handle on the door.
- The door can be opened and locked from the inside by pressing the button on the end of the lock.
- To lock the door when leaving, press the back arrow on the black keypad which is outside of the hall to the left of the door. Wait a couple of seconds and it will be locked.
- The door needs to be firmly closed. If it isn't the lock will try to close and retract leaving the door unlocked.
- The door can be unlocked or locked from outside using a metal key. This is kept in the keysafe to the right of the door. The key has a green cover. Call Josie to get the keysafe code on 07585 234556.
- We can open the door remotely if needed. If Josie is not contactable try Mark on 07836 235690.
- This door is a main fire exit so should be kept unlocked when hall is being used.
- If you can't lock the door when your booking is finished please call Josie or Mark for advice. If you can't make contact please leave a message and leave the door open. Please do not try and fix it yourself.
- The external door shutters must be left open at all times.